In all these services the difference between spiritualism and conventional religion is that friends, relatives and loved ones who have passed over are included as an important part of the event.
Mavis ‘s belief was that “love like life can never die” and therefore all the celebrations of birth, marriage and a life well lived will naturally be a joyous occasion in both worlds. The pain of a physical loss of a loved one is not alleviated but the thought that they move on to be re-united with other family members and friends helps.
Part of the role is also to minister to those people who are in need of help and support if they are experiencing any form of stress. They may be going through health, relationship, financial or work problems which are all part of the tapestry of life which we all experience.
Support through these times can be a tremendous help. Mavis allowed people to find their own solutions through helpful guidance which sometimes included referring people to the appropriate support agencies such as; Doctors, Solicitors, Relate (relationship counselling) Citizens Advice and many more.
Working alongside conventional colleagues wad something Mavis firmly believes in as incarnate spirits receive just as much inspiration as the discarnate.