Mavis Pittilla's Pearls of Great Price
Online Video Tutorials and Lectures
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Welcome to Mavis Pittilla’s on-line place of learning and inspiration.
Jean Else and Annie Gee have gathered many of her memorable talks and lectures, which she has delivered both in the UK and in many parts of the world, over the last 10 years.
They provide information, inspiration, and education for everybody interested in spirituality, philosophy, mediumship and awareness. With over 50 years of experience of working with the spirit world, Jean and Annie, along with thousands of others, believe that there is no-one better to share their “Pearls.”
We hope that you enjoy Mavis’s legacy of love.

Start by exploring Mavis’s “Mini- Pearl’s” in this free to view volume and then view further free talks and inspiration in “Mavis’s Montage” at the bottom of the page.
Free to View
Understanding Yourself
Soul, Spirit & Spirit World
Spirituality, Thanksgiving and Prayer
Awareness. Power & Blending
Mediumship 1
Mediumship 2
Mediumship 3
Upliftment, Poems & Verse
Talking Heads
You can subscribe to volumes 1-4, 5-8 or 1-8